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The Leftovers Season 3


Before the show moved to Australia, we had the opportunity to come back for two more episodes in Austin. With Leslie Kolter, the Prop Master, and Mimi Leder, the director, I assisted in designing and constructing the key prop known as the Book of Kevin. 

Revolution Season 2


For 22 episodes, we told a story through props in a fictional world with no electricity. All props were meticulously hand crafted. I designed and produced the featured gun holster on the character Conner Bennett Monroe. Using sections of horse bridles, I constructed a unique holster with added Mexican embellishments.



As a prop assistant, my floral training is often utilized. For Parkland, I was tasked with recreating the historically accurate floral arrangements for Mrs. Kennedy's bouquet with velvet moss ribbon and a modest coffin spray for Lee Harvey Oswald .

(Images depict original and film version)

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