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I have a Bachelors in Art from the University of North Texas. I was an explorer of medium as an art student, fickle in my subject matter. Unbeknownst to me, a production artist must be adaptable and willing to jump creatively into many types of stories. I had no idea that my broad love of art would serve me well in that world.


There is nothing more fulfilling than spending my days creating alongside the most talented artists the motion picture industry has to offer. I have spent over a decade telling stories and I am grateful for that opportunity. Austin, Texas is my home, and the crews are my family.


I am looking forward to branching out. Hopefully my path will keep me close to my storytelling roots through artful collaboration. 


"Whatever you end up doing in life, continue to make art."          

-Mike Cunningham- Sculptor and Mentor



Victoria Ramirez Fuller


Austin, TX

Tel: 512.299.7408


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